Monday, November 29, 2010

Ms. Trowbridge's Class

Good Morning! I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving holiday! Can you believe it is almost December? This year is sure flying by.

This week we will be learning about the letters q and u. Remember, q and u always stick like glue and can never be alone! The students always get a kick out of that. We will also be continuing to work in our dalmatian math books. These books help us to reinforce all the number practice we have been done. Remember, since some of our friends work slower than others, if you see work coming home not completed, you need to be completing them at home. This will really help to make sure they realize the importance of working and not talking!

We have been doing a lot of "show me" in math. I will ask a student to show me a certain number of cubes and they have to count that many out. Most of the students are doing well with this until we get into the higher teens. They like to skip around when we get into the higher numbers. This would be a great activity to practice at home.

Dibels testing will be coming up in the next couple of weeks. Students will be tested over how many letters they can say in a minute, the sounds like hear in a word, the beginning sound of words, as well as reading nonsense words. We have been practicing these skills in small group but extra practice at home is always helpful!

Thank you to those who have been reading and returning the orange little readers. Please remember that most of the time it is just me in the classroom and I will not necessarily get to read with each student everyday. I try my hardest to return books at least every other night so please be understanding if you do not get a book home each night.

I hope everyone has a great week! If you have any questions, please contact me.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Mrs. Wright's Class

We had a great day! All kinder classes participated in Thanksgiving crafts, had a popcorn treat and did a pattern turkey. The projects came home today so you have lots of festive decorations. Since we were not our regular schedule today...I did not get to read with the students. I will do so on Monday and will distribute new books as necessary. I did collect homework, but the new packet will not go home until Monday as well. I would like for families to relax and enjoy the company of each other. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and restful break.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Mrs. Wright's Class

Happy Thanksgiving Week! We will be busy these next three days we are at school. This week we will review our letters learned last week, V and X, and introduce a new letter...E. Please help your child brainstorm words that begin with these letters as well as review what sounds they all make. We are almost finished with learning the alphabet and I hope all students have the letter names and sounds mastered by our December break. We are still working on numbers 0-20 and will practice number recognition, writing and one to one correspondence with these numbers until the holiday break as well.

The turkey project that went home last week is due TODAY. If your child has not turned in their turkey, please do so ASAP. They will decorate our classroom until December 1st and will then be returned home. The ones that have come in sure do look great. Thanks for your participation with these!

Looking ahead, December will be a busy month for your kindergarten student. We will start DIBELS testing the first week of December. We will also be learning about the many holidays celebrated around the world this season. If you have any activities or information that you would like to share with our class, please contact me. We would love to have parents/grandparents join us for a lesson. Our holiday party will be December 16th. Mark the date on your calendar, all parents will be welcome to attend. More details as well as donations needed will be forthcoming. I hope you all enjoy your Thanksgiving break and know that I am thankful for your help and support of our classroom!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Ms. Trowbridge's Class

This week we will be learning about the letters x and v. We will be working especially hard on our handwriting. I am having the students write x and v words using their best handwriting. A lot of the students are struggling with writing in between the lines so I will try to stress that more at school. You can do your part at home by making sure they are using the lines correctly. We use the term "mr. letter man". He teaches us about the lines, he has a head line, tummy line, and foot line and sometimes he is fishing into the water. Students need to make sure their lowercase letters are under the tummy line. I have a lot of students wanting to write above the tummy line. Kindergarten is really the only grade that focuses on handwriting so we need to make sure they soak it all in now! There is a great website, that you can print your own handwriting worksheets off of. Just make sure you are choosing the d'nealian style since that is what they are graded on in my class.

Progress reports will go home on Friday. Remember, the language arts grade is the handwriting grade! Please let me know if you have any questions. This time around they were assessed on all 26 letter sounds. Remember, everyone needs to know all letter names and sounds by the end of December, thats only 1 month away! I will be assessing them on their upper and lower case letter names in December.

The next round of dibels testing is coming up in December. This time your student will need to name letter names as fast as they can, tell the beginning sound of a word, segment a word saying all the letter sounds they hear, as well as read nonsense words such as jin. These are some great things to be practicing at home!

A new homework packet went home on Friday. Please let me know if you did not get one.

This Friday November 19th, PTO is sponsoring a movie night, Toy Story 3! Tickets are 3 dollars a person and include popcorn and a soda. Presale ticket packets will be sent home tomorrow. Come out for a great family movie night and to help raise money of our school!

The turkey project came home today! They are all due back to me by next Monday the 22nd. If you get it done early feel free to send it in when it is done! This is such a fun project and I cannot wait to see what everyone comes up with!

The next two weeks will be filled with fun Thanksgiving projects. Make sure you are checking your child's backpack and folder for great things to decorate for the holiday with!

If your student is coming home with work that is not complete, please have your child complete it as part of their homework. We are expected to work at such a fast pace in half day kindergarten that some students are not able to get everything done. This does not mean they shouldn't be finishing it at home! I always tell the students to take it home and finish it so hopefully you are doing your part at home to allow them to finish what they did not get done in class.

I hope everyone has a great week! If you have any questions, please email me.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Mrs. King's Class

Hi, Every one!

It's been a crazy couple of weeks and it will continue to just get busier and crazier as we get closer to the holidays. I will try harder to post more often, but I have also been sending out a lot of information via e-mails, so if you are not getting those e-mails please let me know.

We are close to the end of the alphabet with only x and v next week and e the following short week. Then all that is left is J, Y, Q, U and Z. Morning students who have demonstrated that they know all the letters and sounds and can blend simple consonant, vowel, consonant patterns started with out Books in a Bag. The little orange and yellow pre-decodable books, a letter from me and a sign off sheet should have accompanied the book. Please follow the direction on the letter and have your child read the book to you several times. sign the sheet and send the sheet and the book back in your child's folder. I will be trying to read with those students who bring them back every day, but they have to have read it and you have to have signed the sheet before I will give them a new book. This will become part of their homework every night. The books will start out quite simple-one or two words to a page and progressively get more difficult. So even though they seem very simple at first please take the time to listen to your child read it several times as this builds the habbits we are trying to instill in them. Our Book in a Bag program is one of the MOST IMPORTANT parts of what you can do at home to help your child be successful at school, so please make it a priority in your family. The PM students will start to bring those home on Monday. As I become confident that your child is ready I will send the books home. They must know all their letters and sounds and be able to do some blending. I would like to have everyone reading books by the Winter Holiday, but for some this is going to mean a lot more work on the flashcards and letters at home. I can not do it without your help. There is also a reward for finishing each list your child will receive a Book It coupon from Pizza Hut good for a free individual pizza. Your child can earn one coupon per month so read, read, read and eat pizza!

Homework went home in folders today so please check your child's folder so that you have homework. This packet will be do before the Thanksgiving Holiday.

Book Orders from Scholastic. If you are interested in ordering books I will leave that open until Monday evening. I sent an e-mail out with the site and activation code for you in case you lost it. If you ordered books last time you are all set, all you need to do is log on. If not and you can't find the flyers the website is type parent into the search window and then all you need to do is put your mouse on the parent tab at the top and a drop down list will show and chose Book Club Orders. My activation code is: GMQ7K
There are lots of books that are less than $3 and quite a list for only $1. What great stocking stuffers or exchange presents!!!

Mornings are getting chilly please make sure that your child is dressing appropriately. I know we went straight from Summer to cool weather, but the students are complaining about being cold on the playground in the morning. When it gets really cool, we will begin to have the students come right into our classrooms for a few months until the warmer weather returns. But we will see what the weather brings the next few weeks and I will let you know when that will happen.

Hope you all have a great weekend!

Don't forget next week is Curriculum Night on Wednesday and PTO Movie night on Friday.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Mrs. Wright's Class

We have been busy learning about letter W this week in class. The kids have been brainstorming words that begin with W and have been hunting through the classroom to find how many W's they can find on walls. They are doing super! In math we have been working at writing numbers 0-20. This is a difficult skill and we need lots of practice and repetition for mastery. We have also been enjoying picture books about fall. Ask your kindergartner to tell you about the signs they see that show fall has arrived.

This is just a reminder that today will be the last day to order from Scholastic before the holidays. The next order will not come home until January. If you were planning on ordering books for so today.

Our classroom is in need of ELMER'S glue sticks and baby wipes. If you are able to donate either of those items...THANKS a bunch!

Some of the students have brought home their "Book in a Bag". This is our reading program that all students will participate in. If your child has not received a bag yet, don't worry. I am staggering the students and starting the reading process with each as appropriate. If your child has a bag please read with them nightly. I will try my best to return a new book the day they bring it back, but sometimes things get crazy (like today) and I do not get all books returned. This is an exciting endeavor for your child so please make the reading process enjoyable for them. We want to foster a love for reading at their young age!

Tomorrow there is no school. What a welcomed break for all. Happy Veteran's Day and thank you to those who have fought for our freedom!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Mrs. Wright's Class

Happy November! We are already a week into the month, my how time flies. We have been busy in class. Last week we learned the letters K & O. We also learned the sight word MY. Ask your kindergarten student to give you a sentence using our new word...MY. In math we are still working with numbers 0-20. We are spending quite a bit of time with numbers to make sure all students write, recognize and can count correctly. Please continue to review these concepts at home. Beginning last week we also started our fall unit. We are talking about leaves changing color, weather cooling off and things we are thankful for. There will be some festive projects coming home soon!

With the holidays quickly approaching most of the students are already talking about what presents they hope to receive. A gift I recommend is BOOKS! Kindergarten students love to listen to stories and enjoy looking at picture books. Please visit the Scholastic Book Clubs site if you are interested in ordering. This will be the last order before the holiday break, so don't miss out! Our class code to order online is: GLG4W. If you have questions or concerns regarding the book clubs, please let me know. The order will be due Wednesday, November order today!

Lastly, this message is quite overdue! I would like to THANK each of the parents/grandparents who attended our Harvest Party on October 29th. The party was a huge success and I appreciate the great turnout of family we had. It was so helpful to have the extra hands to assist in our projects. Your help was outstanding so THANK YOU again. If you were not able to make it to our Harvest Party, don't fret we will have a Holiday Party in December that all will be welcome to attend. I will have the date soon so you can plan ahead.

Ms. Trowbridge's Class

Good Morning! I hope everyone had a great weekend now that the weather is finally cooling down!

This week we will be focusing on the proper way to write the W and words that begin with the /w/ sound. We are also starting the -ig family. The words that we will be focusing on are, pig, fig, big, wig, dig. Please make sure you are helping your students sound these words out so everyone can recogize and spell them on their own!

We will also been working on our sight words using our sight word chant. I hope they have all sung you the sight word chant!

Remember, there is no school this Thursday, November 11th, due to Veteran's Day.

In small group, we are focusing on segmenting words. The dibels test is coming up again at the beginning of December and everyone needs to be able to segment a word. For example, if you say "cat", students should be able to sound out the word by saying /c/-/a/-/t/. We have been hoping the words out in class to show them the motions of each sound. Students will have to sound out real words as well as nonsense words such as "foz". With your help at home, I know everyone will do a great job!

Next Monday, 11/15, I will be sending home an at home project for your whole family to work on. Everyone will be getting a turkey to decorate however they would like with whatever they would like. You can use beans, feathers, cereal, markers, glitter, pom poms, crayons, rice etc. Basically anything you want! We will be hanging them up in the classroom for everyone to enjoy. This is always my favorite project of the year since it is so fun to see what each family can come up with.

I hope everyone has a great week! If you have any questions, please email me.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Ms. Trowbridge's Class

Can you believe it is already November? The time sure is flying by in kindergarten!

Thank you to everyone who helped at our harvest party. I think everyone had a really great time and hopefully everyone came home full of stories!

This week we will be learning about the letters K and O as well as continuing our -in family. We will also be continuing numbers 0-20. Please make sure you are having your child count orally to 20. I have a lot of students that can count to 14 and then they get all confused. Counting orally is the first step to putting everything in order. Also, please make sure to saying the word teen, a lot of students think they are saying thirty instead of thirteen.

On Wednesday, November 3rd, we will be having our spirit night at McDonald's. I will be there so I hope to see lots of you there! This is a great way to earn money for our school.

On Friday, November 5th, we will be having our bingo night from 6:30 - 8pm this is a fun night for the whole family.

Next Thursday, November 11, there is no school due to Veteran's day.

A new homework packet went home on Friday. Please let me know if you didn't get one.

If you have any questions, please let me know. Have a great week!